Sunday, December 3, 2006

Sunday 3rd December

Hi all, thanks for coming again :)

Well, I had a busy day today. I didn't get up at 6am as I was going to, it was raining really hard so mommy decided we weren't going out to the Carboot sale as we usually do and let me sleep in.

Instead I had a lie in and we got up about 8am and played on our computers.

Grandad came over at 11pm and asked if we wanted to go see if the carboot sale was actually on, we drove over but when we got there, none of the sellers had bothered going, so we were going to drive home when mommy remembered it was the Christmas street fair today! Grandad took us there instead and I had a ride on a little truck merry-go-round thing, I loved it, I sat in a train and I rang the bell the whole way round!

We went home and had dinner, and mommy went to sleep on the couch since she isn't very well, and daddy and I went on our computers again, I love my computer, it might be old and slow but I am so good with it, I can navigate around all sorts of places.

At 4:30pm, mommy got up and we put our coats on to go see them turn on the Christmas lights in town. It was really cold but we saw them do it and I went on the same ride again (I went on a motorcycle this time) and mommy bought me a toy light sabre which lights up blue. I love it, I poked everything in the world with it on the way home.

We had soup and sandwiches for tea and then we had a bath. I played in the bath for ages and I put Classic FM on the water radio and listened to that for an hour. Then I put on my Bob The Builder zip up pj's and we went downstairs and had hot chocolate and watched King Of The Hill while mommy dried my hair.

Bed time now. Nice to talk to you again.

Dylan xxx

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