Saturday, December 2, 2006


Hi there, me again :)

Well I had a good day today, I got up far to early and I hung out watching tele and playing with my cars until I decided it was time to go wake mom and dad up.

We all had a bath and we went in to town to do some shopping. I must have gotten up WAY to early because I only made it as far as Safeways and then I fell asleep, I think she knew I was tired because she made me go in the buggy - which was lucky. Personally, I think it must have been too stressful trying to decide if I wanted new football slippers or new racing car slippers. As it was, they didn't have any in my size so I didn't get any today anyway.

Dinner today was sausages and mashed potato, I like sausages and I ask for them far to often, but if I don't get them when I want them, I refuse to eat anything else. Life's a trip when you're four :)

I played a lot on my computer today and mommy found an old picture of me when I first got it, here I am - aren't I cute?
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Anyway, it's late and I am going to bed, see you tomorrow.
Night night.

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